Decision Support Systems
Decision Support Systems
SDPS is an innovative software and hardware system for weight control of railway rolling stock, which allows owners of railway infrastructure to obtain data on the volume of goods transported, identify violations of the loading of railway rolling stock units and, based on the analysis of data on the dynamic load of the undercarriage of the rolling stock (PS), recommend technical diagnostics of a railway vehicle and railway track.
The main consumer qualities of the rolling stock diagnostic system and decision-making assistance:
- analysis of the state of the track based on the oscillogram of the passages of the rolling stock;
- analysis of the condition of the rolling stock on the basis of the oscillogram of the passages of the rolling stock;
- displaying information about detected deviations in the graphical interface;
- archiving of measurement results and synchronization with the database in real time;
- display of sensor readings and their COE for each measuring line of the control point;
- monitoring the performance of weight control equipment;
- separation of users by roles/groups: administrator, technical support, client;
- connecting users with different levels of access to view service information and configure the system;
- downloading and updating data of weight control objects with a description of their customers from the manufacturer's CRM system (status of the measuring line of the control point, serial (factory) number, company (reference customer), user information, modification, configuration, accuracy classes, technical parameters, date and number of the last verification, warranty periods, etc.);
- automatic creation of tasks for the manufacturer's technical support in case of equipment malfunction;
- automatic sending of an e-mail notification of a violation and an assessment of the risk of a detected violation;
- calculation and output of statistics on the operation of the system for the selected period by the number of messages about the triggering of an alert about violations or the operability of the system of each type;

This system allows you at any time to receive complete information on the status of the vehicle, taking into account the transported cargo, information on the conduct of work in case of detected violations, including an assessment of the risk of violation.

The scientific novelty of the solutions used in the innovative product.

Over the past 20 years, the existing trends in the development of weight control complexes for railway rolling stock indicate the need for automated non-foundation weighing systems that would not only transmit information about the volumes of goods transported, but also identify violations of cargo transportation and operation of rolling stock units. Consideration of the unity of the two tasks is due to the requirements for optimizing logistics and commercial accounting operations for the transportation of goods of enterprises, as well as minimizing the cost of maintenance of rolling stock during its active operation. The development of rail strain gauge scales by STATERA LLC – VRT is devoted to solving this problem.

Mainline weight control systems for railway trains in motion have already gained quite wide popularity among modernizers of railway infrastructure, however, many of them do not meet modern requirements for the functionality of weighing equipment in terms of parameters or technologies and methods used. Firstly, it is necessary to have information not just about the weight of the rolling stock, but about overloading/underloading or uneven loading of the wagon on the wheels during the movement of the vehicle through the measuring lines. Secondly, the developed system must meet the requirements for simple installation that does not violate the design of the existing operated rail track and does not limit the high-speed mode of transit trains. Finally, it is important to provide the possibility of remote monitoring of the working condition of the rolling stock, in particular wheel wear, in order to identify possible malfunctions of the wheels of the rolling stock at an early stage. The problems posed determine not only the technological significance of the solution, but also determine its scientific component – a method for diagnosing the technical condition of a rolling stock unit based on the vertical impact of a rolling stock wheel on a railway track.

VRT is a wagon scale that does not require mechanical modification of the track and is not inferior in characteristics to classical solutions. VRT is installed by adhesive method in the interstitial space on the operated rails. No construction work, no cutting, drilling, or any other mechanical intervention in the operated paths. Weighing is performed in motion without limiting the speed of transit rolling stock. The principle of operation of the VRT scales is based on the conversion of analog signals from sensors of rail deformation under the action of a wheel load into digital signals that are processed according to specified algorithms of the software being upgraded.

The information received is processed by the developed algorithms for analyzing defects and damages. The principle of operation of the algorithm is based on determining the measurement results that exceed the specified tolerance levels of the defect or are at the limit of acceptable values. According to the results obtained, a warning is issued to the user of the VRT software with data on the unit of rolling stock, the time of its registration and a conclusion on the degree of need to check a particular wheel.

As part of the research and development work, scientific research was carried out to determine the correlation estimates between the measured parameters and the parameters of wheel wear of rolling stock. Based on the available data on the relationship between wheel wear and the values of the measured parameters, the VRT system conducted an R&D dedicated to a significant modernization of the software for diagnosing the technical condition of a rolling stock unit based on the vertical impact of the rolling stock wheel on the railway track, and also implemented a software module of the decision support system to provide the PC operator with the most complete information on an alarming situation, in particular including detailed information about the diagnostic object. The operator will be provided with a scenario for responding to an alarming situation, while the response procedure will depend on the type of situation, the parameters of the rolling stock and the degree of threat. Scenarios will be developed as the software module for diagnosing the technical condition of rolling stock, as well as internal regulations of the enterprise, is developed and scaled. The rolling stock diagnostic system belongs to the Decision Support System (decision support systems) of the hybrid class, which includes data interaction models Suggestion models (a rule-based logical inference system) and File Drawer Systems (a system for providing access to the necessary data).
The components of the SDPS
SDPS is a complex of software and hardware:
Weighing system and telemetry data source
A client Web application for collecting, analyzing and displaying information
Neural network for searching for anomalies in telemetry data
Web applications for informing the health of equipment
Rail strain gauge scales
The software and hardware system includes rail strain gauge scales (VRT) and software for collecting data on wheel measurement of the distributed mass of moving wagons, in order to further process and analyze them to support decision-making on planned technical diagnostics and organizational plan activities.
Strain gauge rail scales – VRT
ART is an author's patented development by engineers of STATERA LLC.
VRT is designed for multi-wheeled, axial, carriage-by-carriage measurement of the mass of empty and loaded PS units in a train without uncoupling and/or trains as a whole with dry, solid, and liquid loads without viscosity restrictions (including fuels and lubricants).

VRT consists of one or more measuring lines installed on an existing section of railway track in the interstitial space and connected to a Weighing computer.
The principle of operation of the VRT is based on the conversion of analog signals from sensors of rail deformation under the action of a wheel load into digital signals that are processed according to specified algorithms by a weighing program. According to these data, the mass of wagons, the mass of the train, the mass of its fragments and the speed of their passage through the measuring section of the track are formed.

The company has been producing systems for weighing and diagnostic control of railway transport in motion since 2012. The scales record the wheel and axle loads, the weight of the wagon, the locomotive and the train as a whole. When passing through the scales, the train is automatically divided into its component parts: wagons and locomotives with the determination of their type, regardless of the alternation in the composition. Additionally, the axial speeds of all wagons and locomotives are determined.
Functional purpose:
wheel measurement in motion of the mass of wagons, the mass of fragments of the composition and the mass of the composition as a whole, as well as the range of axial speeds on the measuring section of 300 mm of track, wheel and axial loads of railway transport of any modification.

Basic consumer qualities:
- the installation of VRT takes place on the operated rails in the interstitial space without interfering with the structure of the track. A set of sensors is installed on the existing rails, measuring the deformation of the rail under the pressure of the wagon wheels;
- weighing of wagons passing through the scales takes place automatically, without the participation of an operator, around the clock;
- installation, maintenance and repair of equipment can be carried out without stopping traffic. Installation time – 4 hours;
- installation on an inclined track, in a turn, on any kind of rail without loss of accuracy class;
- two-way direction of movement when weighing;
- unlimited transit speed;
- the probability of trouble-free operation of the scales in 2000 hours, at least 0.95;
- the average operating life of the scales is 20 million wagons;
- service life of at least 10 years;
- the scales are produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 8.647-2015 "Automatic wagon scales. Metrological and technical requirements. Test methods" and technical documentation (TU 4274-002-12117842-2018) of the manufacturer STATERA LLC.

The company has installed more than 150 dynamic weighing systems.
Information system
A system for processing, storing, and searching information coming from equipment and employees
The information system is a WEB application for displaying and working with SDPS.
Advantages of IP:

- structuring of information received from the equipment;
- user-friendly interface for displaying voluminous information for further analysis and editing;
- ability to manage employees and access rights to information;
- displaying statistics in an infographic.

The information system consists of the following information display blocks:
The Information System implements a system of roles:
He can view only the equipment that belongs to the group in which he belongs, and use the functionality that the company to which he belongs has acquired
It has the ability to view any equipment and any information, but it cannot make changes.
It has the ability to view any equipment and any information available in the system, make changes to it, create users and add new equipment
Hardware Designer

The addition of new devices and new types of equipment is implemented in the hardware designer.
This system allows you to create any equipment inside the information system, for this it is necessary to determine its type.
The TYPE of equipment is an internal structure according to which data from the equipment will be displayed inside the information system.
During the creation process, it will be necessary to determine the general name of such equipment (for example: SCALES) and the data structure that the equipment reads and sends to the system (for example: total weight/wagon name). The creation functionality is available only to the system administrator.
The Information System implements the functionality of Groups:
A role system has been implemented, which includes a list of users and a list of equipment that needs to be provided to these users. Within each group, a list of capabilities is defined - actions that are available in relation to equipment that is in the same group
A data structure for storing information about the system's client companies. The company stores general information about the owner of the company and the objects that are assigned to it
Objects are an internal definition that reflects the concept of "Station". Equipment is attached to each object
Mobile application

For operational control and convenience of work, a mobile application for Android and iOS has been developed. The mobile application is adapted for use on various devices, it is fully functional and will allow you to perform all operations similar to a Web application.
The download link is available on request.

Push notifications

The push notification system includes a list of various events (states) in which notifications are sent to users with different roles.
- Adding new users;
- Adding a new station facility;
- Changing the user's role.
- Getting new measurements from the equipment;
- - Creation of a report on the defense;
- Attachment of the company.
Technical support:
- Errors in the equipment (incorrect information or incorrect attempt to record data from the equipment);
- Application (system) error.

For a more convenient perception, a change of theme has been implemented: Dark and Light
ISKRA is an intelligent anomaly classification
and recognition system, a system for searching
for anomalies in the oscillograms of rolling
stock passages generated
by the VRT software.
The principle of operation
The principle of operation consists in the effect of gravity of the weighed load, the deformations of the elastic elements of strain gage strain sensors are converted into an analog electrical signal, which enters the converter board of each rail, where it is converted into normalized digital signals. Next, digital signals (telemetry data) are sent to the Weighing Computer, where they are processed in accordance with a given algorithm and the result of weighing according to various query parameters is displayed on the monitor of the Weighing computer.
The transmitted digital signals on the Weighing computer accumulate a specified number of Points in a special buffer of RAM, when the buffer is filled, the earlier points are deleted and new ones are recorded. The weighing program for changes in the half-sum readings of the sensors determines the implementation of a wheel impact on each gauge of oscillatory loads and begins recording half-sum readings in a special oscillogram file and finishes recording after a specified time interval (Post-oscillogram) after the passage of the last wheel of the rolling stock, while substituting data from the buffer (Pre-Oscillogram) to the beginning of the file.
Research directions
The following research areas were selected:
- visual analysis of some part of the waveforms, separation of potentially "good" and "bad" waveforms;
- the use of neural networks using various analysis methods and algorithms to identify all possible anomalies;
- comparison of the detected anomalies with the actual malfunctions.
The object of the research was one wheel of each rolling stock unit, the axis of the rolling stock unit and the rolling stock unit itself.

VRT consists of one or more cargo receiving devices. The rolling stock weighing waveform contains telemetry information about each unit of rolling stock, each axle and each wheel of the rolling stock unit. More than 100,000,000 measurements of wheel loads were collected from the installed facilities as objects of research and development work.
Visual analysis
Using the oscillogram file viewer included in the Weighing Program, a visual analysis was performed and the presence of deviations in the studied objects of research work was revealed.

According to the results of the analysis, some emerging patterns were identified, including it was confirmed that the ART weighing system can begin to feel an increasing change in deformation in the rail caused by the load when the wheel approaches the load receiving device, a few meters before the wheel passes through the load receiving device and a decreasing change in deformation when the wheel moves away.

The load sensitivity distance on the analyzed objects is different, but the average is ~4 m (measuring section). This distance depends on the type of sleepers, the plot of the sleepers, the distance from the sensor to the point of support of the rail on the sleeper, the parallelism of the sleepers.

In the VRT weighing system, several load-receiving devices can be used, which are located at a distance from each other. The measuring section itself is only 200 mm.
Thus, the sensitivity area is expanded within the system, as well as some measuring sections can overlap, which allows events to manifest themselves in the results of fixing travel by several cargo receiving devices to varying degrees. Or, on the contrary, they can be positioned so that their measuring sections will not intersect.
According to the results of the visual analysis, the main defects of the rolling stock were determined:
- problems with the rolling plane of the wheel (gouge, slider, navar);
- impacts in the axles and wheels, "Sagging dome";
- galloping of the carriage;
- displacement of the center of one axis in the trolley or the entire trolley of the wagon;
- "Plateau beyond zero", when measurements end in a different zone than they begin, which indicates either a stop on the scales, or a malfunction of the fixation equipment.

The main defects of the path state have been identified:
- drawdown of the sleepers closest to the cargo receiving device (3-4 sleepers, including on one side) in front of the dome;
- poor rail mounting;
- impacts on joints during passage;
- displacement of sleepers.
Neural networks
Neural networks were used to identify and describe all defects, and various analysis methods and algorithms were tested. Various algorithms have been defined to determine certain defects, and a training sample of anomalies has been created to train a neural network classifier.
Benefits for users:
1. Extensive information about the condition of the weighing equipment;
2. Preventive diagnostics and troubleshooting at early stages, and therefore, cost savings on expensive repairs;
3. Prevention of accidents caused by wear and tear or incorrect configuration of railway facilities.

Identification and isolation of anomalies:
1. Based on the analysis of groups of objects allocated by clustering algorithms;
2. Based on already known anomalies;
3. Based on the manual analysis of visual patterns of behavior of the oscillograms of the driveways.
Monitoring system
The monitoring system is part of the SDPS and is a Web application accessible via the Internet.
The monitoring system is a server for aggregating technical information of rail scales for weighing in motion VRT-04 and VRT-04M and independently checks their operability, displays information about its operability in the graphical interface, and also notifies the responsible employees of the client by e-mail and creates a technical application in the technical support of the STATERA company. The monitoring system interface allows you not only to view the current status of the customer's available equipment, but also to obtain technical information about the serial number, address and coordinates of the installation site, accuracy classes, maximum load, configuration and modification, warranty and maintenance periods, date and number of the valid verification certificate.
The main features of the Monitoring System include:
- differentiation of user access by roles, groups and organizations;
- display of the list of equipment available for monitoring;
- quick display of the presence of errors in the operation of the equipment using color indicators in the list of equipment;
- display the date and time of the last data exchange session with the equipment;
- automatic notification of users about problems with the equipment by e-mail;
- automatic creation of tickets (tasks) for the technical support of STATERA LLC for prompt response;
- display of basic information on the equipment (serial number, address and coordinates, accuracy classes, configuration and modification, installation date, warranty and technical support periods, date and number of the verification certificate);
- information about errors in the operation of the system and weight lines;
- information about sensor readings;
- printing reports on the object, system and measuring lines;
- in the development of an oscillogram analyst for the operational determination of violations in the upper structure of the track, drawdowns of sleepers, defects in rolling stock, etc.;
- the possibility of adding third-party equipment to the system is under development;
- in development, the possibility of remote access to the weighing computer both via a local network and via the Internet, directly through the monitoring system without the use of specialized software (import substitution).
The monitoring system tracks:
  • 1
    The work of the weight program
    the number of restarts of the program
  • 2
    Data correctness
    number of packets with incorrect structure
  • 3
    Physical connection
    port closure message counter
  • 4
    Correctness of weighing
    accuracy of telemetry data
  • 5
    Sensor readings
    monitors changes in sensor readings
  • 6
    Availability of equipment
    missing ping from camera, network equipment, etc.
Screenshots of the software:
Call to the company:
+7 863 226-02-75
Sales Department
+7 863 226-02-75
Organizational issues
+7 863 226-02-75
TIN 6168062791
344091, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Peskova str., building 1, building 1, room 77